The Erasmus+ project is carried out by secondary schools in Kato Lechonia, Greece, Prague, Czech Rep. and Lachendorf, Germany. The participating schools during the first semester 2022/23 are Gymnasio Kato Lechonia, Victoria School and Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium.
The aim is to develop and test different narrative forms in order to get to the bottom of the secrets of good communication. In addition, messages are examined for their truth content, fantastic parts, usefulness and intentions. In doing so, we turn to old tales such as fairy tales and legends, but also to current news and use various forms of film and theater language, music and the visual arts.
It will be a project about the Arts of storytelling and best practices for presenting real important information. During the first module, we will exchange and compare local stories and well known fairy tales, read them, illustrate them, play parts of them, mix them up.
In a second module, we will exchange daily news and compare them.There will be units at each school to teach about media literacy and how you can check "lies"and "trues". We also will organize workshops with professional journalists as guest.
The school communities will be involved through competitions, public presentations, etc.
Students and teachers will:
get to know cultures of other countries and their own country through local stories and legends
get international contacts and deepen intercultural competences
strengthen social skills and team building competences
test and improve their artistic, acting and storytelling skills
get skills about digital video and audio editing
deepen technical skills by using web education tools for learning and teaching
strengthen their media literacy, especially in the area of social interactions, protection of personal rights as well as copyright right
strengthen the English language and their first language as their knowledge about local and European history
promote mindfulness, social skills and social responsibility
involvement of pupils and teachers with special difficulties and special talents in project activities
Project-coordination in Lachendorf: Birgit Kammerlohr
Project-coordinationin Kato Lechonia: Katerina Aggelopoulou
Project-coordination in Prague: Katerina Stadlerova